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Find YOUR Aligned Path – Day 25

Welcome back for Day 25 of the Find YOUR Aligned Path Program!

Probably by now you know the drill. We are going to dive into the fear gates of the Ajna.
You’re going to look up your Ajna Gates (second Center from the top, between Head and Throat Centers) using your Human Design Alignment Map. Look for the numbers that are colored in and highlighted in your Ajna, if you have any. (You might have a Completely Open Ajna, with no numbers highlighted. In that case, you get an easy day where you don’t have to worry about the fears of the Ajna Awareness Center.)

Read through the descriptions of the Ajna fear gates below and make note of any that resonate, any that you can identify with, that you have noticed are fears that you have experienced either recently, currently or in the past.

 Just start to let that information sink in and then tomorrow we’ll have a chance to really contemplate and journal on that.



I will also share the longer description that I have for that gate so that you can kind of also read a little bit more into the energy of that gate. I want you to contemplate how that fear might currently be showing up for you in your life.


See if it’s one that you resonate with, and if so, how that usually shows up for you.



You can also read through the more general description of your Solar Plexus Gates by downloading the Solar Plexus Fear Gate Docs below. 


As always, any questions, make sure you post them or bring them to our live Q&A.

You’re almost there, you’re almost at the finish line.

It’s Day 25 of day 28, and you are doing so amazing!


Don’t forget to submit your daily prompt check-ins in the form , and post any questions in the Facebook Group.



We’ll see you tomorrow for Day 26