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Find YOUR Aligned Path – Day 19

Welcome back for Day 19 of the Find YOUR Aligned Path Program!

Today we’re going to finish up the Spleen Fear Gates.

So if you haven’t already watched day 17 and day 18 and started to really contemplate your spleen and your fear gates, make sure that you do those two first because today I want you to journal on whether or not any of those Spleen fear gates are making it harder for you to find your most aligned path.


Yesterday, you looked at how fear was showing up, and today I want you to really reflect on if any of those are making it harder.

Which ones of those are the most impactful for you?


Which ones seem to get in your way the most or slow you down the most or keep you stuck the most?

 This energy in the Spleen is usually around holding onto what isn’t good for you, or maybe it’s fear of the future or fear of stepping into the unknown.


Do some contemplation and as you contemplate that, see if you can remember the first time you had that fear.

Reflect back on the past.
Try to go as far back and as young as you can.

Think about when this first was an issue for you.

When can you first remember experiencing that fear in your life?


Let us know if you have any questions. If you have any trouble finding or deciding which of your spleen gates are active, please let us know, and we will help you find the correct numbers.


Make sure that you’re journaling on it and then share anything that you feel comfortable sharing with us. We can’t wait to hear what comes up for you. 

Don’t forget to submit your daily prompt check-ins in the form , and post any questions in the Facebook Group.
I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. If you have any questions, let us know.
We hope to see you in the next Q&A and until then, we’ll see you tomorrow!

 Day 20!