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Find YOUR Aligned Path – Day 1

This is your official welcome into the Find YOUR Aligned Path Program!

It’s day one of this four week journey, and we’re so excited that you have said yes to taking this journey with us.


Your first step is understanding your human design strategy. 


Your strategy is based on your Aura Type.


In human design there are four aura types and we have created separate videos for each of the four aura types.

Watch the intro video first, and then the video for your Aura Type.


Strategy is definitely one of the most foundational pieces of understanding and living in alignment with your human design, which is going to help you to find your best path, your most aligned path, that highest path where you get to step into fulfilling your soul’s purpose – why you were born, why you’re here in this human body, why you’re living at this time.


We’re excited to get going so go ahead and click on the link to watch the video about your strategy for your aura type.


Click on the button for your Aura Type. If you’re not sure which Aura Type you have check the Day 1 Email or your Human Design Alignment Map.


If you have not already received your Human Design Alignment Map.


We will create your custom Human Design Alignment Map, which will help you to focus on the key pieces of your Human Design.  It will also help us customize this program and only send you right to the pieces that apply to you and your Human design chart so that you don’t have to be overwhelmed by all of the general human design information.


Tomorrow we’re gonna send your Authority video.

These are the two key pieces that are going to come up in your daily prompts.

We will send you an email about that tomorrow, because that’s the second key foundational piece of your human design chart.


Make sure to submit your responses to the daily prompts in the Google form to earn points and be eligible for the prizes.

We’re hoping that you will commit to journaling at least once a day, but if you wanna do a morning journaling and an evening journaling, that’s how you will get the best outcome from participating in these four weeks. 

Click here for the Google Form


If you have any questions, make sure to post them in the Facebook group and you tag Alison or me (Melissa) and we’ll make sure we answer any questions you have there. 


We’re also looking forward to being live together in our Q&A sessions so, look for the information for those in the Facebook group as well.


We can’t wait to see your responses to the daily prompts on the form and see you live in the Q&A sessions.


So again, welcome! 

We are thrilled that you’re here and we are really looking forward to getting to know you and supporting you along this journey. See you tomorrow for Day 2.